Thursday, 31 January 2013

Aku dan Dia

Dari umur 6 tahun sehingga sekarang kami still berkawan. Dah 13 tahun ! lamakan ukhwah kami berkekalan. Alhamdulillah... semua atas kehendakNya. Love her so much!  
Banyak benda yang kami telah lalui bersama, suka duka, masam manis kehidupan. Banyak juga halangan telah kami tempuhi demi persahabatan. Siapa cakap kami tak pernah bergaduh? hehe.. ada jea. Dalam persahabatan yang utuh ni, semua kekurangan memberi kami kekuatan. Walaupun kami selalu di-compare atau dibuat perbandingan oleh orang lain, semua itu tiada apa buat kami sebab kami memang mengenal hati budi masing-masing. Kalah "Boys Over Flower" tao. Hee :D
Btw, kami mula berkenalan kerana sebuah hubungan kekawanan kedua orang ibu bapa kami, juga dihubung kaitkan dengan sebuah sekolah SMKTBM or nama glamour HSBM. hehe.. 

High School Bukit Mertajam, Penang

Mana taknya, dr sekolah rendah kami bersahabat. Apa saja, berita gembira, sedih suma kami akan share together. Satu rahsia un tidak kami simpan, pasti dikongsikan bersama. Walaupun minat kami adalah berbeza, perkara tersebut tidak menjadi halangan dalam berkomunikasi. 
Ada perkara yang mengagumkan saya tentang dirinya. Dia mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang luas, beryakinan diri, tough, dan amat fluent bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris. Oopss, tidak ku lupa, dia juga pandai berkarya. Kalau dilihat dia menulis esei, pasti bermuka muka. Banyak betul idea dia yang kreatif dan bernas utk disampaikan. Well, she is! Dia terlalu unik untuk diceritakan di sini. She is very precious to me.. Siapa yang tak kenal dy, don't judge book by it's cover.  Dialah sahabatku, Putri Nabila.

" Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend "

" A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. "

Hargailah sahabat anda sebaiknya. Have a great friendships guys!
Have a nice day too. 
May peace be upon you. ^_^

Friends and Matrics 永遠の友人 (Eien no yūjin)

Time mula- mula masuk universiti dulu, macam-macam masalah berlaku. Banyak juga ujian diterima. Dan pernah rasa cam nak lari jea, n tak nak sambung belajar dekat universiti tu. Terlalu terseksa keadaan tu and tiada sesiapa yang tao keadaan tu kecuali Dia. Sangat perit okay.. hee.. 

Because of that, teringat dekat family dan jugak kawan-kawan time matrikulasi dulu. They are too special, just like a family to me. They will be with me whenever and wherever. Memang tak dapat lupakan memori waktu tu even we just there for a year. 

And here we are! Happy family forever.. and protect & support each other.

teman rapat!

shooting time!! candid picture

At Gua Tempurung!

Majlis Hari Raya! Rumah terbuka H2P5 2011/2012. Selamat datang!!

Tetamu jemputan bersama Cik Baizura (lecturer fizik) =D

Sambutan birthday sy dekat dataran KMPP. 
Time ni ramai orang dkt dataran tgh tgk perlawanan bola sepak skrin besar. 

Pergambaran terakhir sebelum sesi matriks tamat. :'(

me and my roommates 2011/2012!
ni dkt bowling Jusco Ipoh, hee 

Sekarang, Alhamdulillah, semua dalam keadaan baik. Semoga diberkatiNya..

" Kau ada dikala ku suka, Dikala ku duka, setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa, Kau ada dikala ku perlu, setia menemaniku, Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh, Kaulah yang selalu menemaniku, Mendengar kisah pahit manis, Hidupku, Kaulah yang disitu, setia menungguku, Kaulah yang satu, menjadi sahabatku, Ku tahu ku kan selalu ada pada dirimu, Dan ku harap kau juga rasa begitu "
" tunjukkan ku jalan, untuk menempuhi dugaan ini, moga ikatan ukhwah yang dibina ke akhirnya " 
May peace be upon you. ^_^ 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Observing Slide using Microscope 顕微鏡 (Kenbikyō)

Eeyy! bestnye bila dah pandai guna microscope. tp sayang, xreti nak tangkap gambar guna phone. igt lagi time matrik dulu tak suka buat buat keja cam gini. selalu past dekat partner. hahaha.. seriously, don't like it so much sbb cari jea mesti tak jumpa and i'm give up. but since masuk universiti ni, ada kursus penggunaan microscope dengan betul. 
 since that, I love it. hehe... Dah pandai dah. 
 Bangga nyerrr... EH! hehe

Tengok la niiii.... hasil kerja ku.. 

Okay,, susah betul nak tangkap gambar guna fon. Nak kena betul betul cari cahaya dalam microscope tu. Yang paling best skali, cahaya dy slalu gerak gerak.. ke tangan kteorg yang gerak gerak.. hahaha.. well! biasalah tu kan..? 
Yang hijau tu cell wall ye.. ataupun dinding sel since sel yang diperhatikan ni adalah sel tumbuhan. semangat betul kteorg observe sehingga xde slide dah nak diperhatikan. haha

Okay.. That's it!! May peace be upon you ^_^

Monday, 28 January 2013

Taman Tasik Cempaka, Bangi うちの女の子は日

" A photographer who made a picture from a splended moment, an accidental pose of someone or a beautiful scenery, is the finder of a teaser."
- Robert Doisneau -

Since that, 
Taman Tasik Cempaka, Bangi here we come!! 

Housemate ku, Ira, yg ceria ~~

Ira ! Ira! :)

Cantikkan scenery dy ? Ramai yang datang petang tu, beriadah bersama family dan jugak bersenam. "Maju Sukan untuk Negara!!" haha... tp, memang best, sangat meriah kalau dibandingkan dengan Tasik Taman Botani Putrajaya. Hrmm.. 


Wahai adik- adik peliharalah alam sekitar. Dah cantik dah tempat ni, sesuai untuk aktiviti sekeluarga. but, too bad!! =( kotorlah.. uhuiiiii... Jangan buang sampah merata-rata. Buanglah dalam tong sampah yang disediakan. Sama-samalah kita menjaga kebersihan ye..
Do take a good care of our nature. May peace be upon you. ^_^

Soal Kahwin 結婚した?

Sekarang ni selalu jea dengar soal cinta, tunang, nikah, kahwin. Heartbroken pun ada. Takut jea aku dengar. Apabila dah jadik heartbroken tu, janganlah macam orang yang tak de life ye. Be tough dear! Allah kan ada, Dia Maha Mengetahui untuk memberikan yang terbaik buat kita. 

Ooppss,  dah tua rupanya aku.  Dah cukup matang dah untuk fikir suma itu. Dan ada jugak orang yang bertanya bila nak kahwin. 
"erm,, maaflah mak cik, saya pun still study lagi ni. kakak pun tak kahwin lagi tu, hihi."
"tape dik, trend sekarang ni adik kahwin dulu."
Terdiam seketika aku... fikir panjang sejenak.

"calon dah ade ke dik?" 
Tersenyum membisu dibuatnya... hrmm.. 

Oopss,, terover pulak fikirnya..
Pape un study dulu ye.. Study lebih penting ye, bagi menjamin masa depan. Then, baru fikir......

May peace be upon you guys yea ^_^


Beauty Of Nature (Botanical Garden) 自然の美観 .. 자연의 아름다움

It's being awhile when i was wondering where is a place that will give me charm and peace. Studied in university where the place is full of tension. There's no way to go. The view of my university is just a high way where we can only see speeding car cross by. Huh! To me, it's just enough to face a lot of assignments in speeding mode with addition of studies for examination. Ohh,, miss my matriculation moment so much! 

Now, Botanical Garden in Putrajaya will be my favorite destination. Very peaceful and fresh. The beauty of garden refreshing me upside down. A lot of fish there! Ohmaii.. they eat a lot too! so cute..n naughty. while tortoise reminds me of someone. It swims here and there. so so cute!! It entertain me a lot. hee =D beauty of nature is very adorable. 

Botanical Garden, here we come !

Scenery from Botanical Garden around 7 pm

Fish ! Fish ! Fish !! Come here... 

Eh ! She eats or fishes eat ? Too hungry at this time, simple bread will do. HAHA =P

" A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experience himself, his thoughts and feeling as something seperated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be free ourselves from this  prison by widening our circle to compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein -
" The earth has music for those who listen. " - George Santayana - 
Let's visit nature guys..
May peace be upon you .. ^_^


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Promise! 약속을 이행..約束を果たす (yakusoku o hatasu)

Promise atau janji, apa itu??

Why do someone make a promise? 

Promise means declaration assuring that one will or will not do something. It is about someone commitment towards something. COMMITMENT & RESPONSIBILITY! Apabila menjanjikan sesuatu, wajiblah dia menunaikannya.

Janganlah seseorang itu melafazkan janji-janjinya semudah melafazkan a,b,c. Tp mengapa ramai jea yang kerap memungkir janji apabila berbicara, ataupun melalui perbuatan. I just wondering..
Ayat 75. And of them are some who made a covenant with Allah (saying): "If He bestowed on us of His Bounty, we will verily, give Sadaqah (Zakat and voluntary charity in Allah's Cause) and will be certainly among those who are righteous." 
Ayat 76. Then when He gave them of His Bounty, they became niggardly [refused to pay the Sadaqah (Zakat or voluntary charity)], and turned away, averse. 
Ayat 77. So He punished them by putting hypocrisy into their hearts till the Day whereon they shall meet Him, because they broke that (covenant with Allah) which they had promised Him and because they used to tell lies
          (taken from 

Make your day brighter than today and be responsible. 
May peace be upon you ^_^

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Travel 旅行 (Ryokō)

For the first time ever kteorg (housemates and i) terlalu awesome sehingga terfikir nak travel begitu jaoh cam tuh. Cer teka kteorg pegi mana? untuk masa satu hari cuti jea, dari selangor drive ke ipoh, perak. wah,, separuh dr perjalanan balik kampung dah tu. 

For sure all of you will think that, "it's crazy girl!". hahaha.. it's okay after all. maybe sbb bosan terlampau ke,  or tension terlampau. ye ke? ke rindu dgn orang tersayang sehingga sanggup nak travel sejaoh itu. ermm.. namun bila fikir balik, suma tu tak logik dek akal pun sbb the next day nak kena hantar assignment before 12pm. hrm.. cayalah kegilaan kteorg nih. 

perjalanan mengambil masa 3 jam jea melalui high way damansara. perut time tu kelaparan giler, maklumlah dah pukul 2 lebih. since subuh tak makan pape tahu. hahaha.. sepanjang perjalanan tuh, berkaroake lah kteorg sambil bercerita. terasa macam berada dengan family. kterog menjadi sangat rapat. berhenti dekat perhentian Tapah jap, ingat ke nak makan. but, WOW! ramainya orang... hrm,, singgah petronas jea la isi minyak, tambah nilai touch n go, beli maggi n waffle utk isi perut. share share makanan bagai.. happynye keadaan tuu. maggi un jadik sedap tao. hehe

okay, sejam lepas tu, sampai jusco ipoh. hehe.. hebatnya kteorg, main redah jea, lagi lagi tanpa dibantu oleh papago. tak perlu suma itu untuk perjalanan yg mantap. at that time, excitednye nak jumpa bff. after all, perjumpaan kteorg kejap jea kt situ, xsmpai 5 minit un. 

haha... overnye sedih tu. 
sbb dy perlu hantar kawan kawan dy pulang di teluk intan. i understood. uhuhuhuhu...
tapi, walau cam na un, tak nak lah perjalanan kteorg tu jadi tak bermakna langsung. so, we decided to go to teluk intan. wow! fantastic baby. banyaknye ICT yg kteorg nmpak kat perak tu. bandar & pekan pekan kat situ dihiasi dengan lampu-lampu dan pokok-pokok yang cantik. 

ala... lampu terlindung kereta tu la pulak..

then, we date at lumut. sejuknye lumut memalam nih. tp meriah.. pastu, jumpe kawan dy yg tengah keje dekat petronas. alamak! time tu, ade orang sakit perut laa.. hrm,, bila terfikir my bff & i bakal terpisah, sedihnyeeee... tak dapat digambarkan betapa sedihnya keadaan tuh. meeting inside a car, just give me an adorable memory. 

"I'm trying to erase you from the falling tears, I can only cleanly leave your side"

jam 1 pagi, bermulalah perjalanan kteorg untuk pulang ke ganggang. krik... krik.. 

"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends." 
- Maya Angelou-

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."

May peace be upon you.. :D

Friday, 25 January 2013

Sounds Of Music 音楽の音

"Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture." -wikipedia

Musics and Life

" Music in performance , is a type of sculpture. the air in performance is sculpted into something." 
- Frank Zappa
" One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

Musics, Lyrics and Motivation

Lyrics of a song sometimes can give us some kind of inspirations and motivations.

" Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together " - Goose's Dream

Musics and Emotions

" If you love me, if you hate me, You can't save me, baby, baby "

" The memories that ripped apart my heart rip the days of the calendar and fades away like the end of the year "

" First it was all about love, just like everyone says, Why did we do that though we all know, (But) as time goes, like the glass breaking, Like the ring in hands losing its light, Like getting a cut by a sharp knife, Like strangling my neck w/ the chain of restriction, The memories that i have w/ you, Which i thought they’re gonna be always good, Though i hate it, only the wounds and unsolved misunderstandings are left. "

The lyrics describe our own feelings and emotions to enjoy it as a drama of our life.

Anyway, this just my opinion toward musics.
May peace be upon you. ^_^